How Many Bytes Per Character in SQL Server: a Completely Complete Guide

A Completely Complete Guide to how many bytes are used to represent characters in the T-SQL string datatypes

SSMS Tip #3: Easily Access/Research ALL Unicode Characters (Yes, Including Emojis 😸)

Learn how to get a list of all Unicode characters to copy and paste, or use in queries / web pages / programs, or search by value, etc.

Uppercase All String Columns (and in a Single Query!)

Have you ever wanted to uppercase all string columns in a database? Probably not. But, this was still an interesting exercise 🙃

Native UTF-8 Support in SQL Server 2019: Savior or False Prophet?

An in-depth analysis of the new native UTF-8 support in SQL Server 2019.

Changing the Collation of the SQL Server Instance, the Databases, and All Columns in All User Databases: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Need to change the collation at ALL levels? Prefer to avoid reloading all objects and data? Learn what the "sqlservr -q" option does, and doesn't, do.

The Uni-Code: The Search for the True List of Valid Characters for T-SQL Identifiers, Part 3 of 2 (Delimited Identifiers)

The investigation into valid T-SQL identifier characters continues. Apparently I was not done.

What’s in a Name?: Inside the Wacky World of T-SQL Identifiers

Come see the complete set of rules governing how you name things in SQL Server

All New Collations in SQL Server 2017 Implicitly Support Supplementary Characters

SQL Server 2017 adds 68 new Collations, but none end with "_SC". This seems to be due to Supplementary Characters being supported by default (which is great 😺).